מרץ 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Long Covid Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
Long Covid Awareness Day is a worldwide observance in the USA
St. Patrick's Day
St Patrick's Day marks the life and deeds of St Patrick, one of Ireland's patron saints. It is an Irish-American celebration in the USA.
French Language Day
חג בינלאומי
French Language Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day of Happiness
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Happiness aims to promote the idea that the pursuit of happiness is universal.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is annually observed on March 21.
World Poetry Day
חג בינלאומי
World Poetry Day celebrates poetry around the world on March 21 each year.
International Day of Nowruz
חג בינלאומי
The UN’s International Day of Nowruz, also known as Nowruz, No-Ruz, No-Rooz or No Ruz, is observed on March 21 each year.
World Down Syndrome Day
חג בינלאומי
World Down Syndrome Day is held on March 21 every year.
International Day of Forests
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Forests raises awareness on forests and trees, including their role in climate change.
World Water Day
חג בינלאומי
World Water Day aims to increase people's awareness of the water's importance in all aspects of life.
World Meteorological Day
חג בינלאומי
World Meteorological Day marks the anniversary of the World Meteorological Organization's establishment on March 23, 1950.
World Tuberculosis Day
חג בינלאומי
World Tuberculosis Day is annually held on March 24 to raise awareness of tuberculosis and ways to eradicate the disease.
International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
חג בינלאומי
March 24 is the UN’s International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
International Day of Remembrance of Slavery Victims and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade remembers the lives of Africans who were forced into slavery in North, Central and South America.
International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members
חג בינלאומי
The UN’s International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members is annually held on March 25.
Earth Hour
חג בינלאומי
Earth Hour is an annual event in which many people worldwide turn their lights off on the last Saturday in March.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day
National Vietnam War Veterans Day is an US observance to honor US military members who served during the Vietnam War.
Doctors' Day
Doctors' Day is a observance in the USA
International Transgender Day of Visibility
חג בינלאומי
International Transgender Day of Visibility is a worldwide observance in the USA
אפריל 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
April Fool's Day
חג בינלאומי
April Fool's Day, on April 1, is a day to play practical jokes and tricks.
World Autism Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
World Autism Awareness Day raises an awareness of issues surrounding people, particularly children, with autism worldwide.
United Nations' Mine Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action is annually observed on April 4.
International Day of Conscience
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Conscience is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace aims to bring goodwill and positive social outcomes through sporting achievements.
National Tartan Day
National Tartan Day is annually observed on April 6 to honor the major role that Scottish Americans played in the founding of the United States of America.
United Nations' World Health Day
חג בינלאומי
The World Health Organization, the United Nations' the directing and coordinating authority for health, annually highlights one of its priorities for global health on World Health Day.
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Rwanda Genocide
חג בינלאומי
The UN’s Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Rwanda Genocide is observed on April 7 each year.
National Library Workers' Day
National Library Workers’ Day recognizes the efforts and achievements that librarians make to give Americans access to information via books, computers and other media.
International Day of Human Space Flight
חג בינלאומי
The UN’s International Day of Human Space Flight is annually held on April 12.
Thomas Jefferson's Birthday
Americans celebrate president Thomas Jefferson's Birthday on April 13.
World Chagas Disease Day
חג בינלאומי
World Chagas Disease Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Art Day
חג בינלאומי
World Art Day is a worldwide observance in the USA
Tax Day
Tax Day is the deadline for United States residents to file details of their income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) so that their liability for income tax can be assessed.
International Day for Monuments and Sites
חג בינלאומי
The International Day for Monuments and Sites raises awareness on preserving and conserving historical and archeological heritage sites.
Chinese Language Day
חג בינלאומי
Chinese Language Day is a United Nations observance that celebrates one of the organization’s 6 official languages – Chinese.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday is an important day in the Christian church calendar because it celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection, according to Christian belief.
World Creativity and Innovation Day
חג בינלאומי
World Creativity and Innovation Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
Easter Monday
Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday. It is not a federal holiday in the United States of America (USA).
Patriots' Day
חג מקומי
Patriots' Day commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, which were two of the earliest battles in the American Revolutionary War.
Earth Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' International Mother Earth Day promotes environmental awareness and calls for the protection of our planet.
World Book and Copyright Day
חג בינלאומי
World Book and Copyright Day is an occasion to celebrate the contribution of books and authors to our global culture and the connection between copyright and books.
English Language Day
חג בינלאומי
English Language Day promotes the history, culture and accomplishments of the English language.
Administrative Professionals Day
Administrative Professionals Day® is on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. It remembers the important role of administrative professionals.
International Girls in ICT Day
חג בינלאומי
International Girls in ICT Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace is a United Nations observance in the USA
Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is a observance in the USA
International Delegate's Day
חג בינלאומי
International Delegate's Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Malaria Day
חג בינלאומי
World Malaria Day is annually observed on April 25 to promote efforts that provide effective control of malaria worldwide.
World Intellectual Property Day
חג בינלאומי
World Intellectual Property Day is annually held on April 26 to increase awareness and understanding of intellectual property worldwide.
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day
חג בינלאומי
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day is a UN holiday designed to raise awareness of the consequences of the 1986 nuclear accident.
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
חג בינלאומי
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is observed on April 28 each year.
International Jazz Day
חג בינלאומי
International Jazz Day recognizes the historical, cultural, and educational contribution of jazz.
World Spanish Language Day
חג בינלאומי
World Spanish Language Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
מאי 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Law Day
Law Day in the United States is annually held on May 1.
Loyalty Day
Loyalty Day is a special day for people to reaffirm their loyalty to the United States and to recognize the heritage of American freedom.
National Day of Prayer
National Day of Prayer is held on the first Thursday of May each year, inviting Americans of all faiths to pray for the country and its leaders.
First Day of Military Appreciation Month
First Day of Military Appreciation Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
First Day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
First Day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
First Day of Jewish American Heritage Month
First Day of Jewish American Heritage Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
World Tuna Day
חג בינלאומי
World Tuna Day is a UN holiday designed to raise awareness of the global importance of tuna.
World Press Freedom Day
חג בינלאומי
World Press Freedom Day focuses on the importance of the freedom of the press and freedom of expression.
National Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Day
National Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Day is an occasion to remember those serving the profession of explosive ordnance disposal in the United States Armed Forces.
International Family Equality Day
חג בינלאומי
International Family Equality Day is a worldwide observance in the USA
World Portuguese Language Day
חג בינלאומי
World Portuguese Language Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
Cinco de Mayo
'Cinco de Mayo' means "Fifth of May" in Spanish and is a festival of Mexican pride and heritage.
National Nurses Day
National Nurses Day is an occasion to honor the work of nurses.
National Teacher Appreciation Day
National Teacher Appreciation Day is a observance in the USA
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War is annually held over two days, from May 8-9.
World Ovarian Cancer Day
חג בינלאומי
World Ovarian Cancer Day aims to spread global awareness about ovarian cancer.
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
חג בינלאומי
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is a worldwide observance in the USA
Victory in Europe Day
Victory in Europe Day is a observance in the USA
Military Spouse Appreciation Day
Appreciate and thank all the military spouses and partners you know on Military Spouse Appreciation Day.
World Migratory Bird Day
חג בינלאומי
World Migratory Bird Day is observed the second weekend of May every year.
International Day of Argania
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Argania is a United Nations observance in the USA
Mother's Day
Mother's Day celebrates the role of mothers and mother figures.
Day of Vesak
חג בינלאומי
Vesak Day is a Buddhist holiday that celebrates the birth of its founder. It is usually observed on the day of the full moon in May.
International Nurses Day
חג בינלאומי
International Nurses Day focuses on the critical contribution of nurses around the world in maintaining public health.
International Day of Families
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Families is an occasion to celebrate the importance of families to people, societies and cultures around the world.
Peace Officers Memorial Day
Peace Officers Memorial Day is held annually in the United States on May 15 in honor of federal, state and local officers killed or disabled in the line of duty.
International Day of Living Together in Peace
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Living Together in Peace is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day of Light
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Light is a United Nations observance in the USA
National Defense Transportation Day
National Defense Transportation Day occurs annually in the United States on the third Friday of May.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
חג בינלאומי
World Information Society Day is celebrated each year to raise awareness of how information and communication can be beneficial for societies and economies.
Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day is a national observance in the United States on the third Saturday of May each year.
World Bee Day
חג בינלאומי
World Bee Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Autoimmune / Autoinflammatory Arthritis Day
חג בינלאומי
World Autoimmune / Autoinflammatory Arthritis Day is a worldwide observance in the USA
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
חג בינלאומי
The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, held on May 21, is an occasion for people to deepen their understanding of cultural diversity.
International Tea Day
חג בינלאומי
International Tea Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day
Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Day is observed on the Wednesday of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week, May 19–25, in the United States.
International Day for Biological Diversity
חג בינלאומי
The International Day for Biological Diversity is an occasion to increase the global understanding and awareness of issues and challenges around biodiversity.
National Maritime Day
National Maritime Day is annually observed in the United States on May 22. It is a time to observe its maritime heritage, to honor those who served as merchant mariners, and to recognize the benefits of the maritime industry.
International Day to End Obstetric Fistula
חג בינלאומי
The International Day to End Obstetric Fistula raises awareness of fistula and calls for support to tackle the problem.
African Liberation Day
חג בינלאומי
African Liberation Day celebrates African nations' hard-fought freedom from European colonial powers.
National Missing Children's Day
National Missing Children's Day is an observation dedicated to addressing the problem of child abduction.
International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is an occasion to pay tribute to people who served in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations.
World No Tobacco Day
חג בינלאומי
World No Tobacco Day draws attention to the health problems caused by tobacco use.
יוני 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Global Day of Parents
חג בינלאומי
Global Day of Parents appreciates the role of a parent in nurturing and fostering growth for their children.
First Day of Pride Month
First Day of Pride Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
First Day of Caribbean-American Heritage Month
First Day of Caribbean-American Heritage Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
World Bicycle Day
חג בינלאומי
World Bicycle Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is observed on June 4 each year.
World Environment Day
חג בינלאומי
World Environment Day is held each year on June 5. It is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations (UN) stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.
International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
חג בינלאומי
International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing is a United Nations observance in the USA
Day of the Russian Language
חג בינלאומי
Day of the Russian Language is a United Nations observance in the USA
D-Day is a special anniversary in some countries, including the United States (U.S.), to remember Allied forces’ invasion of Normandy, France, in the Second World War.
World Food Safety Day
חג בינלאומי
World Food Safety Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Oceans Day
חג בינלאומי
World Oceans Day is annually observed on June 8 to raise awareness of the challenges humanity faces to protect the world's oceans.
World Day Against Child Labour
חג בינלאומי
Poverty and injustice against widows is a world-wide problem addressed by International Widows' Day.
Loving Day
Loving Day is a observance in the USA
International Albinism Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
International Albinism Awareness Day aims to stop the persecution and murders of people with albinism.
Friday the 13th
חג בינלאומי
Friday the 13th is a day full of superstitious beliefs in communities worldwide.
World Blood Donor Day
חג בינלאומי
On World Blood Donor Day numerous events are held worldwide to raise awareness about the importance of safe blood supplies.
Army Birthday
Army Birthday is a observance in the USA
Flag Day
Flag Day is annually held on June 14 to honor the United States flag.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day attempts to shine a light on the problem of physical, emotional, and financial abuse of elders.
Father's Day
Father's Day celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children.
International Day of Family Remittances
חג בינלאומי
The UN estimates that family remittances worth over 500 billion US$ are transferred worldwide every year.
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed worldwide on June 17 each year.
Sustainable Gastronomy Day
חג בינלאומי
Sustainable Gastronomy Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict
חג בינלאומי
International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict is a UN day aiming to rid the world of conflict-related sexual violence.
חג לאומי
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day and Emancipation Day, is a holiday or observance in many US states to celebrate the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Texas on June 19, 1865.
World Refugee Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' World Refugee Day honors refugees' courage, strength and determination.
American Eagle Day
Observed annually on June 20 in 47 American states, American Eagle Day is an unofficial holiday that celebrates the removal of the American Bald Eagle from a list of "endangered species".
International Day of Yoga
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Yoga is a UN-day that aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga.
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
חג בינלאומי
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice is a United Nations observance in the USA
Public Service Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ Public Service Day celebrates the idea that democracy and successful governance depend on a competent civil service.
International Widows' Day
חג בינלאומי
Poverty and injustice against widows is a world-wide problem addressed by International Widows' Day.
Day of the Seafarer
חג בינלאומי
The Day of the Seafarer aims to acknowledge the social, and economic contribution of the millions of seafarers around the world.
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking raise awareness about the dangers of illicit drugs.
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is annually observed on June 26 to remind people that human torture is not only unacceptable – it is also a crime.
Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day
חג בינלאומי
Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day of the Tropics
חג בינלאומי
International Day of the Tropics is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Asteroid Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations established International Asteroid Day to raise public awareness of the asteroid impact hazard.
International Day of Parliamentarism
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Parliamentarism is a United Nations observance in the USA
יולי 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Independence Day
חג לאומי
On Independence Day, Americans celebrate the anniversary of publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776.
International Day of Cooperatives
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Cooperatives recognizes and reaffirms the role of cooperatives in economic, social and cultural development and in the achievement of social policy objectives.
World Population Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) World Population Day reaffirms the human right to plan for a family.
Bastille Day
Bastille Day is a observance in the USA
World Youth Skills Day
חג בינלאומי
Acquiring skills enhances youths' ability to make informed choices and empowers them to gain access to changing labor markets.
Rural Transit Day
Rural Transit Day is a observance in the USA
Nelson Mandela Day
חג בינלאומי
Nelson Mandela International Day is annually observed on July 18 to recognize the former South African president’s contribution to peace and freedom.
World Chess Day
חג בינלאומי
World Chess Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Drowning Prevention Day
חג בינלאומי
World Drowning Prevention Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
Parents' Day
Parents’ Day is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Sunday of July each year to recognize and promote parenting as a crucial part of families and the wider community.
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day is a observance in the USA
World Hepatitis Day
חג בינלאומי
World Hepatitis Day is observed on July 28 every year to raise awareness of hepatitis and encourage prevention and treatment.
International Day of Friendship
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Friendship is annually held on July 30 to celebrate friendships worldwide.
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
חג בינלאומי
July 30 is the UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
אוגוסט 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Coast Guard Birthday
Coast Guard Birthday is a observance in the USA
Purple Heart Day
Purple Heart Day on August 7 commemorates the day in 1782 when General George Washington created the Purple Heart Medal – a military decoration that is awarded to those wounded or killed while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
International Day of the World's Indigenous People
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of the World's Indigenous People is observed on August 9 each year to promote and protect the rights of the world’s indigenous peoples.
International Youth Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Youth Day is annually held on August 12 to celebrate the achievements of the world’s youth and to encourage their participation in enhancing society.
National Senior Citizens Day
National Senior Citizens Day is an observance on the third Sunday of August to honor the contributions of senior citizens in the United States.
World Humanitarian Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’(UN) World Humanitarian Day focuses on increasing public awareness about humanitarian service worldwide and is annually observed on August 19.
National Aviation Day
National Aviation Day is observed in the United States on August 19 each year to celebrate the history and development of the aviation.
International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
חג בינלאומי
International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition is held on August 23 each year to remind people of the tragedy of the transatlantic slave trade.
Women's Equality Day
Women's Equality Day on August 26 is an annual observance that commemorates the anniversary of the first time voting rights were extended to women in the United States.
International Day against Nuclear Tests
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day against Nuclear Tests is annually observed on August 29. The day raises awareness of the dangers of nuclear weapons and a closer approach to eliminating the use of those weapons.
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances is annually observed on August 30.
International Day for People of African Descent
חג בינלאומי
International Day for People of African Descent is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Overdose Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
International Overdose Awareness Day is an annual observation which aims to raise global awareness of about the impact of drug overdose on families and communities. The campaign also attempts to remove the stigma associated with overdose.
ספטמבר 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Labor Day
חג מקומי
Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States. It gives workers a day of rest and it celebrates their contribution to the American economy.
World Sexual Health Day
חג בינלאומי
World Sexual Health Day is an annual awareness day that attempts to break down social and cultural taboos associated with sexuality and to promote sexual health around the world.
International Day of Charity
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Charity raises public awareness of what charities do to help minimize poverty.
Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day
Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day encourages people in the United States to participate in cleaning up the federal lands. It is observed on the first Saturday after Labor Day.
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies is a United Nations observance in the USA
Still's Disease Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
Still's Disease Awareness Day is a worldwide observance in the USA
National Grandparents Day
National Grandparents Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September after Labor Day in the United States.
International Literacy Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Literacy Day is held on September 8 each year.
International Day to Protect Education from Attack
חג בינלאומי
International Day to Protect Education from Attack is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Suicide Prevention Day
חג בינלאומי
World Suicide Prevention Day promotes worldwide action to prevent suicides on September 10 each year.
Patriot Day
Patriot Day is held in memory of nearly 3000 people who died during terrorist attacks in New York, Washington DC and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in the United States.
International Day for South-South Cooperation
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation is observed on September 12 each year.
International Day of Democracy
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Democracy is observed on September 15 each year.
First Day of National Hispanic Heritage Month
First Day of National Hispanic Heritage Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer focuses on the importance of protecting human health and the environment.
World Patient Safety Day
חג בינלאומי
World Patient Safety Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is a combined event that occurs in the United States on September 17 each year.
International Equal Pay Day
חג בינלאומי
International Equal Pay Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
Air Force Birthday
Air Force Birthday is a observance in the USA
National POW/MIA Recognition Day
National POW/MIA Recognition Day is annually observed in the United States on the third Friday of September.
International Day of Peace
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Peace is annually held on September 21 to recognize the efforts of individuals, organizations and governments to end conflict and promote peace.
International Day of Sign Languages
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Sign Languages is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Celebrate Bisexuality Day
חג בינלאומי
International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, also known as Bi Visibility Day, promotes the rights of bisexual people around the world.
World Maritime Day
חג בינלאומי
World Maritime Day is held on the last week of September each year, although the exact date is up to individual governments around the world.
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
חג בינלאומי
The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons raises awareness about the dangers of nuclear weapons.
World Tourism Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) World Tourism Day is annually held on September 27 to raise awareness on the benefits of tourism.
National Public Lands Day
National Public Lands Day is a observance in the USA
International Day for Universal Access to Information
חג בינלאומי
International Day for Universal Access to Information is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Rabies Day
חג בינלאומי
World Rabies Day is annually observed on September 28 to raise awareness about rabies and how it can be prevented.
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Heart Day
חג בינלאומי
World Heart Day raises awareness of cardiovascular diseases and ways to reduce their risk.
International Translation Day
חג בינלאומי
International Translation Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
אוקטובר 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
International Day of Older Persons
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Older Persons is celebrated on October 1 each year as a special day for older persons worldwide.
World Vegetarian Day
חג בינלאומי
World Vegetarian Day is an annual observation that spreads awareness about the health, environmental, and ethical benefits of following a vegetarian lifestyle. The unofficial holiday encourages people to avoid eating foods that include animal products and to adopt a plant-based diet.
International Day of Non-Violence
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Non-Violence is a globally observed on October 2 each year to promote non-violence.
World Teachers' Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) World Teachers' Day commemorates the work of teachers and their contributions to society. It is observed on October 5 each year.
World Habitat Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) World Habitat Day reflects on the state of human settlements and people’s right to sufficient shelter.
World Cerebral Palsy Day
חג בינלאומי
World Cerebral Palsy Day is an annual awareness observation that brings together people with cerebral palsy, their families and loved ones, and organizations working to ensure equal rights for them.
German American Day
German American Day is a observance in the USA
Child Health Day
Child Health Day is annually celebrated in the United States on the first Monday of October.
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction is annually observed on the second Wednesday of October to promote a global culture of natural disaster risk reduction.
World Post Day
חג בינלאומי
World Post Day marks the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union's establishment in 1874. It is held on October 9 each year.
World Sight Day
חג בינלאומי
World Sight Day is annually held on the second Thursday of October to raise awareness about blindness and vision impairment.
Leif Erikson Day
Leif Erikson Day honors the first Scandinavian known to have set foot on American soil and the contribution of the Nordic peoples to the United States.
World Mental Health Day
חג בינלאומי
World Mental Health Day, which is supported by the United Nations (UN), is annually held on October 10 to raise public awareness about mental health issues worldwide.
International Day of the Girl Child
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of the Girl Child is a United Nations (UN) observance on October 11 each year.
Navy Birthday
Navy Birthday celebrates the establishment of the United States Navy on October 13, 1775.
Columbus Day
חג לאומי
Columbus Day celebrates 15th century explorer Christopher Columbus's arrival in America in 1492.
Indigenous People's Day
חג מקומי
Indigenous People's Day is a state holiday in the USA
International Day of Rural Women
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Rural Women is annually celebrated on October 15 to recognize rural women’s role in supporting their communities.
White Cane Safety Day
White Cane Safety Day is a United States observance annually held on October 15 to celebrate blind and visually impaired people's achievements and the importance of the white cane.
World Food Day
חג בינלאומי
World Food Day is celebrated on October 16 each year.
Boss's Day
Boss’s Day is observed in many workplaces in the United States on October 16, or the nearest working day, each year.
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is annually observed on October 17 to promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty worldwide.
World Statistics Day
חג בינלאומי
World Statistics Day is a UN day that acknowledges the role of statistics in countries' policy decisions.
United Nations Day
חג בינלאומי
United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the United Nations Charter coming into force in 1945 and celebrates the work of this organization. United Nations Day annually falls on October 24.
World Development Information Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) World Development Information Day falls on October 24 each year.
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
חג בינלאומי
The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is observed on October 27 every year.
World Stroke Day
חג בינלאומי
World Stroke Day is annually held on October 29 to raise awareness about stroke and ways to combat it.
World Cities Day
חג בינלאומי
World Cities Day is a UN observance that aims to recognize the role of cities as a foundation for social and economic development.
Halloween is celebrated by hosting costume parties, playing 'trick-or-treat', watching horror films, visiting haunted houses or carving lanterns out of pumpkins.
נובמבר 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
World Vegan Day
חג בינלאומי
World Vegan Day is an annual observation that brings together vegans around the world to bring attention to animal rights and to spread the word about the health advantages of following a vegan diet.
First Day of Native American Heritage Month
First Day of Native American Heritage Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists
חג בינלאומי
The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists raises awareness about violence against journalists.
Election Day
Election Day in the United States of America is the day on which popular ballots are held to select public officials.
World Tsunami Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
World Tsunami Awareness Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict is held on November 6 each year.
World Science Day for Peace and Development
חג בינלאומי
The World Science Day for Peace and Development (WSDPD) is celebrated on November 10 each year.
Marine Corps Birthday
Marine Corps Birthday celebrates the establishment of the United States Marine Corps on November 10, 1775.
World Pneumonia Day
חג בינלאומי
World Pneumonia Day supports all efforts made to protect and treat people against pneumonia, the single largest cause of child deaths worldwide.
World Diabetes Day
חג בינלאומי
World Diabetes Day is held annually to raise awareness of diabetes and its complications and the care that people with this condition need. It is observed on November 14 each year.
International Day for Tolerance
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for Tolerance is observed on November 16 each year to help people understand the importance of tolerance worldwide.
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
חג בינלאומי
The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims serves as a major advocacy day for road traffic injury prevention.
World Prematurity Day
חג בינלאומי
World Prematurity Day is an annual observance that is dedicated to raising awareness about the health and emotional issues surrounding preterm birth.
World Toilet Day
חג בינלאומי
World Toilet Day aims to promote public awareness of the need for adequate toilets to improve people’s health and save lives.
International Men's Day
חג בינלאומי
International Men’s Day celebrates men's achievements worldwide and throughout history.
Universal Children's Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) Universal Children's Day is an occasion to promote the welfare of children and an understanding between children all over the world. It is held on November 20 each year
Africa Industrialization Day
חג בינלאומי
Africa Industrialization Day aims to stimulate the international community's commitment to the industrialization of Africa.
World Philosophy Day
חג בינלאומי
World Philosophy Day is celebrated on the third Thursday of November each year.
Transgender Day of Remembrance
חג בינלאומי
Transgender Day of Remembrance is a worldwide observance in the USA
World Television Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) World Television Day is globally celebrated on November 21 each year.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women raises public awareness of violence against women in all countries around the world and at all levels of society. It is observed each year on November 25.
Thanksgiving Day
חג מקומי
Thanksgiving Day in the United States is traditionally a holiday to give thanks for the food collected at the end of the harvest season.
Day After Thanksgiving
חג מקומי
The Day After Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday, is a state holiday more than 20 states.
Black Friday
Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day in the USA. It is a busy shopping day and is a holiday in some states.
Native American Heritage Day
Native American Heritage Day is a observance in the USA
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is annually observed on November 29.
Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
חג בינלאומי
The UN’s Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare is annually observed on April 29.
Singles’ Day
חג בינלאומי
Fake Friday
חג בינלאומי
Many early-bird shoppers look for bargains on Fake Friday to get ahead of the crowds in stores on Black Friday, observed a week later.
דצמבר 2025
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Green Monday
חג בינלאומי
The last Monday at least ten days before Christmas has been dubbed “Green Monday” by online marketers.
Super Saturday
חג בינלאומי
The final Saturday before Christmas has become a very popular shopping day in the US, earning the nickname Super Saturday.
World AIDS Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) World AIDS Day is annually observed on December 1.
Cyber Monday
Most online retailers in the US offer discounted prices on their products and services on Cyber Monday.
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Abolition of Slavery is annually observed on December 2.
Giving Tuesday
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Persons with Disabilities is annually observed on December 3 to re-affirm and draw attention to the rights of people who live with disabilities.
International Day of Banks
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Banks is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, also known as International Volunteer Day (IVD), is observed on December 5 each year.
World Soil Day
חג בינלאומי
World Soil Day raises awareness of why soil is needed for sustainable living.
St Nicholas Day
Some churches in the United States recognize St Nicholas' Day as a feast day.
International Civil Aviation Day
חג בינלאומי
International Civil Aviation Day is observed globally on December 7 each year. It is observed by organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day remembers those who died or were injured when Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, was attacked in 1941.
International Anti-Corruption Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations’ (UN) International Anti-Corruption Day is annually observed on December 9 to raise public awareness of corruption and ways to fight it.
World Genocide Commemoration Day
חג בינלאומי
World Genocide Commemoration Day is a UN holiday dedicated to the victims of genocide.
Human Rights Day
חג בינלאומי
Human Rights Day marks the anniversary of when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed.
International Mountain Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Mountain Day is an occasion to help raise awareness of the people who live in mountainous regions and the role that these regions play in providing food, water, and recreation. It is observed on December 11 each year.
International Day of Neutrality
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Neutrality is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Universal Health Coverage Day
חג בינלאומי
International Universal Health Coverage Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
National Guard Birthday
National Guard Birthday is a observance in the USA
Bill of Rights Day
Bill of Rights Day is a observance in the USA
Pan American Aviation Day
December 17 marks Pan American Aviation Day, which is annually observed in the United States.
Wright Brothers Day
The Wright Brothers Day is annually celebrated in the United States on December 17 to commemorate the historic flight made by Orville and Wilbur Wright on that date in 1903.
International Migrants Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations (UN) International Migrants Day is celebrated on December 18 each year.
Arabic Language Day
חג בינלאומי
World Arabic Language Day is a United Nations (UN) observance that celebrates one of the organization’s 6 official languages – Arabic.
International Human Solidarity Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Human Solidarity Day is celebrated on December 20 each year to raise public awareness on the importance of solidarity in fighting poverty.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve in the United States is on December 24 each year.
Christmas Day
חג מקומי
Christmas Day celebrates Jesus Christ's birth.
Kwanzaa (first day)
Kwanzaa is a week-long holiday honoring the culture and traditions of African people and their descendants worldwide, especially in the United States.
International Day of Epidemic Preparedness
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Epidemic Preparedness is a United Nations observance in the USA
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve is the last day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Many parties to welcome the New Year are held in in the United States on New Year's Eve.
ינואר 2026
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
New Year's Day
חג מקומי
New Year's Day is the first day of the Gregorian calendar, which is widely used in many countries such as the USA.
World Braille Day
חג בינלאומי
World Braille Day celebrates the life and achievements of Louis Braille, who invented the braille code for the visually impaired.
International Programmers' Day
חג בינלאומי
Many people celebrate International Programmers’ Day on January 7, while others observe this event on the 256th day of the year, usually on September 13 or on September 12 in leap years.
World Religion Day
חג בינלאומי
World Religion Day fosters interfaith dialogue and understanding of all religions.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
חג מקומי
Martin Luther King Day marks the anniversary of the date of birth of the influential American civil right leader of the same name.
International Day of Education
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Education is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Leprosy Day
חג בינלאומי
World Leprosy Day brings awareness of leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, and ways to prevent the disease.
International Customs Day
חג בינלאומי
International Customs Day celebrates custom personnel and agencies worldwide.
International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust remembers those who died and suffered during the Holocaust before and during World War II. It is on January 27 each year.
Stephen Foster Memorial Day
Stephen Foster Memorial Day is annually observed in the United States on January 13. The day remembers the achievements of Stephen Foster, who is known as the “father of American music”.
פברואר 2026
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
National Freedom Day
National Freedom Day in the United States is observed on February 1 each year.
First Day of Black History Month
First Day of Black History Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
World Wetlands Day
חג בינלאומי
World Wetlands Day raises awareness about the important role that the wetlands play in the environment and in our lives.
Groundhog Day
Many people in the United States observe Groundhog Day on February 2.
International Day of Human Fraternity
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Human Fraternity is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Cancer Day
חג בינלאומי
World Cancer Day is an annual global event on February 4 to raise people’s awareness of cancer.
National Girls and Women in Sports Day
National Girls and Women in Sports Day is a observance in the USA
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation is an awareness campaign to end a harmful practice that violates girls’ and women’s rights.
National Wear Red Day
National Wear Red Day® raises public awareness of heart disease in women and ways to avoid and combat this problem.
World Pulses Day
חג בינלאומי
World Pulses Day is a United Nations observance in the USA
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
חג בינלאומי
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a UN holiday to recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology communities.
World Day of the Sick
חג בינלאומי
World Day of the Sick is a global event when people remember or pray for the sick.
World Radio Day
חג בינלאומי
World Radio Day is an annual United Nations (UN) event that promotes the importance of the radio in communicating information worldwide.
Friday the 13th
חג בינלאומי
Friday the 13th is a day full of superstitious beliefs in communities worldwide.
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is an occasion to celebrate romantic love.
Presidents' Day
חג לאומי
Washington's Birthday, or Presidents' Day, honors the life and work of the first president of the United States, George Washington.
Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
Shrove Tuesday is traditionally known as the day prior to Lent but it also serves as a day of celebration, known as Mardi Gras.
Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year marks the first day of the New Year in the Chinese calendar.
World Day of Social Justice
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) World Day of Social Justice promotes poverty eradication, full employment and social integration. It is on February 20 each year.
International Mother Language Day
חג בינלאומי
The United Nations' (UN) International Mother Language Day is annually held on February 21 to celebrate languages spoken worldwide. It also observes the human right to use these languages.
מרץ 2026
תאריך | שם החג | סוג החג | תיאור החג |
Zero Discrimination Day
חג בינלאומי
Discrimination Day highlights the negative impacts of discrimination and promotes tolerance, compassion and peace.
Self-Injury Awareness Day
חג בינלאומי
St. David's Day
Many Welsh communities in the United States celebrate the life of their patron saint, St David, and their links with Wales on St David’s Day.
First Day of Women's History Month
First Day of Women's History Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
First Day of Irish American Heritage Month
First Day of Irish American Heritage Month is a annual monthly observance in the USA
Read Across America Day
Read Across America Day is observed in the United States on March 2 each year.
World Wildlife Day
חג בינלאומי
World Wildlife Day celebrates all flora and fauna, including animals, on Earth.
Employee Appreciation Day
Employee Appreciation Day is a US unofficial observance that recognizes and appreciates employees in all industries, aimed at helping employers keep their staff.
International Women's Day
חג בינלאומי
International Women’s Day celebrates women’s achievements worldwide and throughout history.
International Day of Women Judges
חג בינלאומי
International Day of Women Judges is a United Nations observance in the USA
World Kidney Day
חג בינלאומי
World Kidney Day is an annual observation that attempts to raise global awareness about the importance of kidney health and tries to bring attention to the unique challenges faced by those who suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease.